
2023 Scotland and Scottish whisky are inseparable, and this is why!

2023 Scotland and Scottish whisky are inseparable, and this is why!

From Peat to Bottle: The Story of Scottish Whisky and its Unique Flavor

When you say whisky, you say Scotland or Scottish whisky. Whisky plays a huge role in the history and culture of this country with the blue and white flag. If you are a whiskey lover, you also know that Scotland is the birthplace of whisky. But why is Scotland and whiskey truly that important to each other?

Liquid gold

It is a fact that whisky is very important to Scotland in a cultural way. But beyond that cultural value, this drink is also very incidental to Scotland’s earnings. Whisky exports bring in about 125 pounds per second for the Scottish government. About 38 bottles of whisky are exported from Scotland every second. Bizarre right? It’s not just Scotland that earns well from the whisky industry, Britain benefits from the industry as well. Britain earns about 4 billion pounds a year from the export of whisky to about 200 countries worldwide. Liquid gold would be a better name for whisky…

Scottish Whisky

A future full of whisky

More than 20 million whisky barrels are currently maturing throughout Scotland. Converting this would mean that every Scot, young and old, would be entitled to four barrels per person. If you were to take a rough average, this would mean that every Scot would then receive about 1,000 bottles of whisky. So whisky is abundant there. However, all that whisky does not go to the inhabitants but is sold to other countries. So investing in Scotch whisky is not such a crazy idea, because the demand for whisky is only increasing worldwide.

The value of the Scotch whisky industry has doubled in the last two decades, and this upward trend seems to be continuing.  Whisky sales are increasing, and the reputation of the drink remains at an extraordinarily high level. Foreign investors are increasingly interested in investing a lot of money in the whisky business. Scotland can be seen as a true whisky paradise (and becoming a paradise for investors).

Whisky means work

You probably didn’t know that as many as 10,000 people work full-time in the whisky industry! In addition, there are up to 40,000 employees throughout Britain who have direct or indirect jobs within the whisky industry. Think of the people in charge of liquor stores, transportation, or even people conducting whisky tastings! All their jobs are connected to the liquid gold. There are as many as 151 licensed Scotch whisky distilleries. Whisky distilleries are located in small villages often. These small villages depend much on this industry. Imagine if the whisky industry were to fall away, it would mean a heavy blow to the job market in Scotland and Britain.

That whisky and Scotland cannot live without each other has become clear! So buy yourself a bottle of Scottish Whisky soon and show your support to this amazing industry!

Are you interested in investing in whisky. Read another interesting article here Invest in Whisky

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