
Spirits Invest Indexes Analysis March 2023

Spirits Invest Indexes Analysis March 2023

Investing in whisky results march 2023

To view the results of SpiritsInvest from last month, you can visit their website and navigate to their “News” section. Here, you should be able to find reports with the latest financial and operational results of the spirits results. Once you have found the relevant report, you can download the PDF file and review the results to gain insight into the performance of the spirits industry in the past month in the markets, or you can also download the report below for free in PDF format. The report is available in English for you to read.

Click here to download the Spirits Invest Indexes Analysis March 2023

In March 2023 the overall spirits could not continue with the positive vibe of February. The average return of all Spirits Invest indexes was -0.2% in the third month of 2023. 16 of the 39 Spirits Invest indexes climbed, whereas 20 indexes fell compared to the end of February 2023. Three indexes did not move at all last month.

  1. An all-time high for the two Japanese closed distilleries📈
  2. A mixed picture for the Japanese open distilleries!
  3. The Spirits Invest Laphroaig Ian Hunter Story Books best of all Scotch
  4. Rum and gin did not blend well together
  5. All-time high for the Spirits Invest George T. Stagg Barrel Proof Bourbon Index stays in February 2023

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