
Find out the best way to store your whisky bottle(s)!

Find out the best way to store your whisky bottle(s)!

The best tips how to store your whisky

To enjoy whisky to the fullest, you must store your whisky bottle in the best way possible.

You want to prevent a good bottle of whisky loses its unique taste, or even worse, bacteria from entering the bottle. It would be a shame if you found out that you were storing the bottle of whisky incorrectly. Here are four tips to keep your whisky the right way!

Tip 1: Whisky loves the dark

Light is the biggest nightmare for every bottle of ”good” whisky. In particular, sunlight is an absolute no-go for a bottle of whisky. When whisky gets exposed to too much light, a chemical reaction occurs. The chemical reaction harms the taste of whisky. If this reaction happens, it is game over. The taste of the whisky will be affected and will also not recover. Therefore, you have to make sure to store your whisky in a cellar or dark cabinet.

Tip 2: Always keep a whisky bottle upright.

This probably seems a logical tip, but it is still important to mention: keep a bottle of whisky upright at all times. When you store the bottle lying down, the taste of the whisky can be affected. The whisky will come into contact with the cork. The cork will harm the taste. This may sound illogical, as wine experiences a positive effect when it gets in contact with the cork. For whisky, the exact opposite is true. Because whisky has a high alcohol content, the cork slowly crumbles. Those cork pieces give an unpleasant taste to the whiskey. So from now on, always store a bottle of whiskey upright!

Store your whisky

Tip 3: Keep the cork of a whisky bottle wet

In case you open a whisky bottle whose cork has dried out, there is a chance that the cork will break off. A broken cork makes it challenging to open a bottle of whisky. After all, it would be a real shame if you had to throw away your delicious whisky. But how do you keep the cork wet enough? Here is a simple trick! Hold the bottle upside down briefly once or twice a year so that the cork comes into contact with the whisky for a few seconds. Don’t hold the whisky against the cork for too long. Otherwise, the negative effect that is mentioned in the previous tip will occur. This is a important tip how to store your whisky perfect.

Tip 4: When a whisky bottle has already been opened, pay attention to the following points!

Should the whisky bottle have already been opened once, the ratio of whisky and oxygen in the bottle change? As little oxygen as possible must get into the bottle. For this reason, it is advisable to pour the remaining whisky into a smaller bottle or carafe. This way you will preserve the taste of the whisky the longest. The taste of whisky is affected by oxygen. A bottle of whisky can be drunk for more than three years after opening. A bottle of unopened whisky can even last several generations.

If you apply the above store your whisky tips, you can enjoy your whisky to the fullest!

Are you interested in investing in whisky. Read another interesting article here Invest in Whisky

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