
Try out these tricks to become a real whisky lover

Try out these tricks to become a real whisky lover

Unfortunately, not everyone has an equally enjoyable experience with whisky. Many find whiskey impossible to drink. Yet if you don’t like whisky, it is possible to start loving it. After all, whisky is something you can learn yourself to enjoy. So there is still hope to sip a delicious glass of whisky around a bonfire. Here’s how.

You must find the ”one” whisky

”Everyone likes whisky, but not everyone has found the right one yet,” said David Miles, whiskey hero and brand ambassador at Bowmore. So if you’re not used to drinking whisky, you must not go straight into the pure variant. That taste will be too intense. Whisky generally has an alcohol content of 40%, so starting right away on the pure variant can be quite a challenge. Look for a drink combination where you can enjoy whisky, by adding ice cubes, for example, or even making a cocktail with whisky.

Tips for whisky beginners

So, as mentioned earlier, you can drink your whisky straight ”on the rocks.” David Miles also recommends pairing whisky with lots of ice and some ginger ale. This is because some whiskies have notes of ginger. You can also go for the classic whisky sour. Another helpful tip is to go to a good cocktail bar and simply ask the bartender if he can help you with your whisky journey. Since you are mixing whisky, it makes sense to choose a more affordable variant. Still, try to alternate it with a higher quality whisky now and then, because more expensive whiskies are a lot smoother than the cheap variant. Anyway, the main thing is to make sure you dilute the whisky so you can get used to it before you start on the real thing.

Adding water to whisky, is like pineapple on pizza right?

When even a whisky hero says it’s okay to mix a few drops of water with your whisky, we’re only too happy to take it! After all, David Miles says that when you add a small drop of water, the flavors in the whisky are separated. This allows you to better distinguish the flavors that can be found in the whisky. The flavor is ”liberated,” so to speak. Are you experiencing that the whisky becomes too diluted, the solution is very easy: pour some more whisky!

With all these tips the road to becoming a true whisky lover should be clear! So what are you waiting for grab that whisky?
